GAP Ministries was founded by the Greene Street Presbyterian Church in 1979 and has been located in the historic structure since then. The sanctuary was built in 1903 and the education wing in the 1930’s. After the church dissolved, GAP organized itself as a 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit corporation and continued to occupy the building.
When GAP Ministries purchased the Greene Street Presbyterian Church property in 2014, the building was suffering from years of neglect, including outdated electrical, damage from leaking roofs, and general disrepair. We embarked on a campaign of fundraising, grant applications, and soliciting volunteer labor -- and are proud of the progress we have made in eight years. While there are still a few rooms that need renovation, the building is now completely handicapped accessible with an elevator to the second floor. All electrical and fire safety systems are up to code, and the building is well lit, with HVAC in almost all areas.
The newly renovated building has opened space for use by Mission Partners whose missions complement those of GAP and has advanced our dream to see the building as a central location for services that help “fill the gap” of need for people trying to gain agency and independence.
Today the building is in use almost every day of the week by groups whose service goals complement the mission of the building, but there is room for more Mission Partners who need office and/or meeting space. Mission Partners who share the building pay a percentage of the costs of maintenance and operation of the building based on their usage profile.
If you or your group would like to know more about the Greene Street Mission Center project, please contact the office via e-mail at